With the recent Brexit events unfolding, you may have some worries. But rest assured, the Dutch government has put forth ways to make the student experience more accommodating to British students. Everyone knowing English and coming from a different cultural background, will serve to create the perfect studying environment. We know that moving to a different country, far away from family and friends, is a challenging prospect. Luckily, you’re not alone. As previously mentioned, yearly, thousands of British youth travel across the North Sea to secure a better future for themselves. More importantly, thousands have already travelled this road and can answer any question you may have. Whether it’s questions relating to the differences in study systems, part-time work for students, or even how to deal with peer pressure as a student, they’ve been there before. Such communities are easiest to find on Facebook, for example:
Moreover, even though your move may go perfectly well and you've adjusted well, international universities in the Netherlands can, at times, prove a bit lonely. It’s not unlikely there will be times when you’ll miss home – and that’s perfectly normal. The best cure for homesickness is a deep dive into your home culture. Luckily, there are some great local venues, such as the London Bridge Pub, to remind you of England, with its loud cheering while downing pints with your mates.
Studying in the Netherlands as an ex-pat is not as difficult as it may seem, especially if you’ve surrounded yourself with the right people that can guide you along the way.