Student Loans in The Netherlands require following criteria:
- You are between 18-30 years old (you may receive the loan up until the age of 34);
- Your higher education studies take at least 1 year;
- You hold a Dutch bank account in your own name;
- If you are a full-time student from the EU/EEA;
- Either you or one of your parents works a minimum of 56 hours per month in the Netherlands;
- Or you have lived for 5 years consecutively in the Netherlands.
If you do not meet the nationality requirements, you might still be eligible for the tuition fee loan. Check this link to see if you can get this loan, or simply contact us for a full assessment of your personal situation.
Studiefinanciering consists of 4 elements, which in total can amount to €1.076 (in 2020) per month:
- Aanvullende beurs (supplementary grant): eligibility depends on your parents’ income.
- Studentenreisproduct (student travel product): public transportation benefits:
- Either you travel for free on the weekends and with a discount during weekdays.
- Or you travel for free during weekdays and with a discount during weekends.
- Lening (regular loan): A low-interest (0% at the moment) loan.
- Collegegeldkrediet (tuition fee loan): An extra loan (at the same interest rate) that covers your tuition fee.
The Aanvullende Beurs and your Studentenreisproduct will become a grant if you finish your studies within 10 years. If you opt to take the loan(s), you will have to pay back this credit upon completion of your studies. You will have 15 years to pay everything back, and after your studies, the interest percentage on your student loan(s) is determined for 5 year periods.
Applying for Studiefinanciering
The student finance in The Netherlands is issued and handled by the DUO. You may receive the Aanvullende Beurs for a maximum of 48 months and the Studentenreisproduct for a maximum of 60 months. After your Aanvullende Beurs ends, you may still loan this amount for a maximum of 36 months. In order to apply for Studiefinanciering, you will need the following documents:
- A copy of your passport or residence permit;
- A testimony of your (or your parent’s) employer giving proof of your engagement for minimal 56 hours per month.